What’s in the surrounding air? Ask for an Air Quality Test to find out!

When it comes to your family’s well-being, knowing what’s in your home’s air is essential to everyone’s health and well-being. Getting an air quality test will detect odorless gases such as radon and carbon monoxide. There are further tests that can even detect volatile organic compounds (VOC’s) that can be found in common household products such as degreasers, disinfecting cleaners, paint, and more.

Whole House Air Filtration Systems

Indoor Air Quality Purifyer

A whole-home purification system is worth every penny that you might spend on medications and healthcare bills. Having a system to provide clean, purified air will give you peace of mind. Your lungs will thank you!

These systems are especially ideal for…

  • Urban Residents – When there’s a lot of traffic close to where you live, you might come in contact with ground-level ozone. This is when a lot of cars release chemicals that react with sunlight. It can be highly dangerous to breathe in.
  • People with Allergies and Respiratory Conditions – An air filtration system will remove antagonistic air pollutants. This will result in less intense asthma and allergy attacks.

Other Air Quality Supplies

Dehumidifiers – High humidity levels can cause serious damage to your home and health. Having a dehumidifier will decrease the humidity in the air, making the home less prone to moisture and mold growth. Got a leaky basement? It’s pertinent that you have a dehumidifier running down there to avoid mold.

Humidifiers – Is your indoor air particularly dry? Humidifiers are great for adding a bit of moisture to the air, helping irritation that dryness can cause. They are also great for helping some of the symptoms caused by colds and flus.

UV Air Purifiers – These handy machines use UV light technology filter to purify your air into a chamber that exposes it to UV-C light. It is also then filtered through a HEPA filter. They can be effective in removing 99.97% of bacteria from the air.